One year: What I have learned
I have been working with blockchain technology for many years and appreciate the challenges ahead of me in adopting it. On Valentine’s Day 2024, the first Smart Contracts for the Square Deal Network (SDN) were deployed. Here are some of the things I learned after deployment. It took five years to design the heart of…
The Square Deal and Fair Compensation
At the turn of the century, Theodore Roosevelt introduced a domestic policy known as the Square Deal, which emphasized “substantial equality of opportunity and of reward for equally good service.” Theodore Roosevelt, “The New Nationalism,” in The New Nationalism (New York: The Outlook Company, 1910), 3-34. Over the past decade, service providers in most industries, including real…
Protecting data with Policies
Information about your lifestyle and preferences is hard to control across many websites. The way we do this today is functional but cumbersome because the underlying databases are being synchronized. Synchronizing means that data is being copied and keeping the copies up to date is the responsibility of the data vendors. The technical staffs work…
Applying Your Terms of Use
Terms of Use for internet-based data are enforced with written legal agreements today. This approach works well when data is centralized but can break down when copies of data are involved. Policing these policies can be expensive for the company responsible for the data. It is difficult to ensure that those who handle your data…