The Square Deal and Fair Compensation
At the turn of the century, Theodore Roosevelt introduced a domestic policy known as the Square Deal, which emphasized “substantial equality of opportunity and of reward for equally good service.” Theodore Roosevelt, “The New Nationalism,” in The New Nationalism (New York: The Outlook Company, 1910), 3-34. Over the past decade, service providers in most industries, including real…
Project Planning Notes
I am often asked for tips regarding project planning with blockchains. Translating from my safe zone, relational databases, to blockchain helped me immensely because there are differences in terminology and cost structures. The rest of this post presents some top-of-mind suggestions. Estimating Costs An important element of project planning is estimating the cost to operate…
Blockchain Economics
There are benefits and challenges associated with blockchain. It is easy to get drawn into a jargon-filled debate that results in both sides talking past each other. I thought it would be good to compare the two on the basis of business economics, a consideration that is important to everyone. Advocates for blockchain tout that…