"Justly popular way to advertise"


Practical Solutions
SDN is a totally open system. You do not have to use these services.

How it Works

Getting Started

Multiple Notification Formats

Easy to Use

Easy to Control

Open Source API Server

Why TR?

"We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less."

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Common questions are answered in a downloadable FAQ document that is refreshed periodically.
Digital Wallets
Users can power smart contracts with wallets that store FLOW crytocurrency. The following wallets are known to work:
Square Deal Network API
Integrating Square Deal into your website is made easier with an API that allows your website to connect through a server generously hosted by BEI.RE. The server is a conduit to the network and does not store any information.

It is possible to build your own connection between a website and Square Deal using the structures found in the API. The API Server is also Open Source if you are interested in hosting a SDN public access point.
During registration, you can specify which organization you are supporting. Part of your transmission fee will be sent to your beneficiary's digital wallet. The amount of the donation may be small but organizations appreciate every penny.
Business Logic
Smart Contracts can be added to Square Deal like cartridges. Publishers support their Smart Contracts with periodic updates.