The Square Deal and Fair Compensation
At the turn of the century, Theodore Roosevelt introduced a domestic policy known as the Square Deal, which emphasized “substantial equality of opportunity and of reward for equally good service.” Theodore Roosevelt, “The New Nationalism,” in The New Nationalism (New York: The Outlook Company, 1910), 3-34. Over the past decade, service providers in most industries, including real…
Blockchain and Sanity
First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. Nicholas Klein (1914) David Gerard, the author of Attack of the Fifty Foot Blockchain (2017), declares that if “you were silly enough to put personal data into an append-only ledger which is a proof-of-work blockchain — that’d…
Vendor of the (blockchain) Future
The National Association of REALTORS® produced a “REALTOR® of the future” video in 1990 and thought it would be an excellent time to discuss the “Vendor of the Future” in the blockchain space. To vendors and service providers, adopting blockchains looks expensive and painful. Customer demand for these changes is not there and margins are…